Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Seven Signs

If you have never read the book, The Power of a Praying Teen by Stormie Omartian, you are missing out!

Chapter 9 is the is titled: Having Good Relationships.

Through out High School and recently, several of my friendships have struggled so this chapter ment alot to me!

Here are some parts that really spoke to me:

-We should look carefully at our friends and ask ourselves, "Is that the kind of person I want to be like?" If not, we should ask God to help us get free of that relationship and bring someone better into our life.

-Our closest relationship, the ones that influence us the most, need to be with people wo love and fear God.

-The main quality to look for in a close friend isn't how attractive, talented wealthy, smart, influential, clever, or popular they are. It's how much they love and fear God. The person who will do what it takes to live in the perfect will of God is the kind of friend who will impart something of the goodness of the Lord to you every time you are with them.

Seven Signs of a Desirable Friend:

1) Tells you the truth in love

2) Gives you sound advice

3) Helps you become a better person

4) Helps you become a wiser person

5) Remains close to you, even in tough times.

6) Loves you and stands by you, even when you do stupid things

7) Helps you when you are having trouble in your life so you won't have to go through it alone.

Seven Signs of an Undesirable Friend:

1) Is ungodly and doesn't care if he hurts other people

2) Is changeable and unstable, and you never know how that person is going to act from one day to the next.

3) Is often angry about something

4) gives you bad and ungodly advice

5) Is an unbeliever who doesn't obay the law

6) Does foolish things; a fool does things without thinking through what the consequences will be.

7) Is not reverent toward God and His laws.

I thank the Lord everyday for my friends who fit all 7 signs of a desirable friend :)


  1. wow! what a great book ~ it wasn't out when I was in HS and that's too bad.

    These truly are good qualities and I'm sure glad you've found some heart friends too!
    ~mrs. w~

  2. I'm so glad Audrey gave you this book at just the right time... It really is helpful.
    I'm so thankful for the friendship I have with you Hannah!
    I love you!
